Ja, es gibt mich noch. Und in Zukunft wird es mich vielleicht auch wieder regelmäßig hier geben. Auf jeden Fall erstmal eine Woche lang, denn es steht ein Lesemarathon an. Da es sich dabei um einen internationalen Read-a-thon handelt, bei dem vor allem englisch-sprachige Leser teilnehmen, werde ich hier ebenfalls auf englisch bloggen.
I'm back and I'm totally in for the Read-O-Rama Read-a-thon. Usually I post on my blog in german, but since this is an international read-a-thon, I'll be posting in english this following week.
For this read-a-thon there are 7 challenges to complete, which basically means, you should read 7 books to complete them...
#1 - A book from your TBR-Jar
Since I don't have a TBR-Jar, I let my hubby choose a book for me and he did. Maybe I should have let our birds choose instead...
It's George R.R. Martin - A Feast For Crows
I'm already on page 513, but since this book has about a thousand pages I'll still count it as one book. Actually I don't think, I'll be able to finish it, but we'll see.
The thing is - I started this in September '13 and it's my least favorite of the series so far. None of my favorite characters (Jon, Bran, Daenarys) are in it and it sometimes get's really boring and slow...
#2 - A book with green on the cover
Easy one - I got this a couple of weeks ago and I'm SO excited to read it!
Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner - These broken stars
Nothing more to add to that... EXCITED!!
#3 - A book with R-A-M-A in the title
For this one I decided to read RAnsom Riggs - Miss Peregrine's hoMe for peculiAr children. Since this book is also on my SLW-Reading list (a TBR-Reading challenge in a german book forum) it would be awesome to complete it this week.
I heard and read some great reviews on this book. It's also supposed to be pretty creepy and I haven't read a book like that in a while.
#4 - A "diverse" book
Diverse to me would be a book from a country outside Europe and the U.S. so I decided to give
Aravind Adiga - The White Tiger
a try which is also on my SLW-Reading list.
The author is indian and it is a novel set in Bangalore. That is about all I know about this book so far. When I bought it (in 2009 I believe) it was because my english teacher recommended it to me.
(The cover of my version is so much prettier (and black) than this, but apparently isn't in print anymore...)
#5 - A book with a flower on the cover
This was difficult for me. There were only two books to choose from, so I decided to go with the shorter of the two.
Sommerfreude - Der Traum vom Leben auf dem Land
A compilation of short texts by different famous authors (Jane Austen, Gustave Flaubert, Thomas Mann,...) about life in the countryside.
#6 - A contemporary book
I read mostly fantasy/YA-fantasy and historical fiction and also crime. So my choices were limited, since I don't count crime and thrillers as contemporary.
But I've had this romance novel on my TBR for over five years and think now's the best time to finally read it.
Anne Hertz - Sahnehäubchen
#7 - The last book in a series
I almost thought I couldn't do this. I read very few series and of the ones I do read I have either already read the last book or I don't own it. The only one I found is
Scott Westerfeld - Extras
which technically is not the last book in a series. The Uglies trilogy consists of only three books (obviously): Uglies, Pretties, Specials.
Extras is not really part of the series but still connected to it through the world it is set in and some of the characters, so I think it counts.
So these are the books I'm planning to read although I don't really think I'll be able to finish half of them. I work part time and also have to do a lot of work for Uni and we have lot's planned with the family. It's going to be difficult but hopefully also pretty fun!
Midnight is in less than 3 hours and I'm really excited to start this read-a-thon!